Make money selling at auctions

Make money selling at auctions Posted on : 4/28/2020

The risk adjusted strategy for economic activity presented by President Cyril Ramaphosa on the evening of 23 April 2020 has South Africans excited at the prospect of a little more freedom. The national lockdown, which was put in place to flatten the curve of the spread of the novel coronavirus that causes the disease we now call COVID-19, has changed the way we socialise and interact, but more important, it has changed the way we do business.

From the level adjustment phases that need to occur before normal economic activity (that is, the level of activity we were used to before the lockdown) can resume, it is clear that many sectors will be working online and from home for some time. Unfortunately, work-from-home is not an option for everyone. So, how do those who are adversely affected start earning an income? The answer is selling online or at auction.

Let’s take a look at three practical ways of making money selling goods online or at auction:

Become a referral agent

Did you know that you can earn money by referring clients to SA Group? If you know of family, businesses, friends or neighbours who need to get rid of assets, refer them to SA Group and earn a fee when their items sell. It’s the fastest money you’ll ever make.

Contact to find out how you can become a referral agent.

Fix and sell

There has never been a better time to get into the garage. Build, fix or restore items and list them for sale or sell them at auction with SA Group’s online SA Auction division. The good news is that many hardware stores are open for parts and tools. And even if you can only deliver your sold item after the lockdown has ended – you have put money in your pocket now. Think this is a crazy idea? Think again. FundItForward, a voucher platform launched by PayFast in partnership with Retail Capital, offers merchants who have signed up to the platform an opportunity to sell vouchers for their goods and services that can be redeemed after the lockdown.

Sell overstocked or unused items

This might come as a surprise, but businesses (and individuals) sometimes stock too much stuff and are willing to let it go for a bargain - just to get rid of it. If you have good relationships with local businesses and your local community then you are in a great position to negotiate a good price for stock, which you can sell on any of SA Group’s platforms (sale or auction, it’s your choice).

We at SA Group understand that the world is in unchartered territory, but we also know that you can make money selling if you have the right platform available. SA Auction provides that platform. Make use of it today – and start making money selling.